Alexander Cooper

Research Associate in the Mechanical Engineering Department, Design Division
Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering, PhD August 1999.
Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering, MS April 1996.
University of California at Berkeley, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, BS May 1994


J. Stampfl, H. Ch. Liu, S. W. Nam, K. Sakamoto, H. Tsuru, S. Kang, A. G. Cooper, A. Nickel, F. B. Prinz, “Rapid prototyping and manufacturing by gelcasting of metallic and ceramic slurries”, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A334 187-192, 2002.

A.G.Cooper, S. Kang, J.Stampfl, F.B. Prinz, “Fabrication of ceramic parts for a miniature jet engine application using Mold SDM”, INNOVATIVE PROCESSING AND SYNTHESIS OF CERAMICS, GLASSES AND COMPOSITES III, J.P. Singh, N.P. Bansal and K. Nihara (eds.), Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 108, pp389-398, 2000.

S. Kang, J.Stampfl, A.G. Cooper and F. Prinz, “Application of the Mold SDM process to the fabrication of ceramic parts for a micro gas turbine engine”, In: J.G. Heinrich (ed.), PROCEEDINGS CERAMIC MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS FOR ENGINES, in print, Germany, June 2000.

A.G. Cooper, J.M. Pinilla, J. Kao and F.B. Prinz, “Graph based process planning for Mold Shape Deposition Manufacturing”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RAPID PROTOTYPING AND MANUFACTURING, Nottingham, England, , 153-176, 5-7 July 1999.

A.G. Cooper, S. Kang, J.W. Kietzman, F.B. Prinz, J.L. Lombardi and L.E. Weiss, “Automated fabrication of complex molded parts using Mold Shape Deposition Manufacturing”, MATERIALS AND DESIGN, Vol. 20, No. 2/3, 83-89, June 1999.

S. Kang, A. G. Cooper, J. Stampfl, F. Prinz, J. Lombardi, L. Weiss, J.Sherbeck, “Fabrication of high quality ceramic parts using Mold SDM”, PROC. SOLID FREEFORM FABRICATION SYMPOSIUM, pp 427-434, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, August 1999.

A. G. Cooper, S. Kang, J. W. Kietzman, F. B. Prinz, J. L. Lombardi and L. Weiss, “Automated Fabrication of Complex Molded Parts Using Mold SDM”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOLID FREEFORM FABRICATION SYMPOSIUM, pp 721-788, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, August 1998.

J. W. Kietzman, A. G. Cooper, L. E. Weiss, L. Schultz, J. L. Lombardi, and F. B. Prinz, “Layered Manufacturing Material Issues for SDM of Polymers and Ceramics”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOLID FREEFORM FABRICATION SYMPOSIUM, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, August 1997.